Monday, July 27, 2009

Everything Is Better with Bacon... Everything

Bacon Ice Cream with Saffron Cream

I know, not exactly what you call a light and healthy summer treat. But its ice cream by god! And no summer should ever be endured without it. And as for the bacon part, I have absolutely no shame in saying that pork needs love too…

For this recipe you must have an ice cream maker. One of those cheap ones will do, just make sure to use crushed ice so that it doesn’t jam up on you.


Saffron Cream

Pinch of saffron
1 Cup whipping cream
¼ Cup confectioner’s sugar

Steep the saffron in about ¼ cup hot water and allow it to cool to room temp. Pour the whipping cream in a bowl along with the sugar and whip till you begin to leave streaks with your whisk. Pour in the saffron tea, enough to give the cream a yellow tint, and keep whisking till it looks like whipped cream.

Bacon Ice Cream

2 Cup Milk (skim… are you happy?)
1 ¾ Cup Sugar
½ teaspoon Salt
2 Cup Half and Half
1 tablespoon Vanilla Extract
4 Cup Whipping Cream
1 Cup Bacon Bits (freshly made, not that silicon flavored crap from the bottle. And if you want to use turkey bacon, that’s fine… just don’t tell me about it!)

This is the part where you read first and then make the stuff, listen carefully. Scald milk, not scorch, scald – that’s when there are tiny bubbles that form on the edge of the pot. At this point remove from heat, add the sugar and salt stirring to dissolve the sugar. Stir in the half and half along with the vanilla extract and the cream. Bring the mixture to as low of a temperature as possible without freezing it, about 45 minutes to an hour in the freezer will do. Remove from freezer and pour into the ice cream canister of your machine. When the mixture begins to resemble ice cream that has been left on the counter too long, pour in the bacon bits and finish churning.

When complete, top off with a dollop of saffron cream and a sprinkle more of bacon bits… if you have any left over.

You should definitely follow your ice cream maker direction in using it. But as a general guide, close the canister before beginning to layer the ice and salt around it. I start with the ice (about a 3 inch layer), pour in the salt (a few hand full), more ice and finish the layering with more salt.

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