Monday, June 15, 2009

The Incredible, Sometimes Edible Star Fruit

I did not realize what I was getting myself into with this one. I might have been better off failing miserably at acquiring this week’s ingredient. It all makes perfect since now, no wonder that once they are in season these things come in through the store’s loading dock but never seem to make their way out the front door.

Obviously a tropical fruit, star fruits are grown in North America only in Florida, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. The ones from Florida are primarily the ones found in stores and in my opinion fully responsible for giving this fruit a bad reputation. Florida should stick to oranges and retirement communities.

I should have given up and scrapped the idea, but the quest for the fruit turned into a serious determination to find something about star fruits worth writing about. Once I actually found one, and I do mean just one (from Puerto Rico), that would be considered edible I was impressed.

Known as the Carambola in most parts of the world, the star fruit originates from Sri Lanka and Malaysia. With their crop season lasting only from late summer to early winter, star fruits are classified into two categories- tart and sweet. The tart ones are identified by their narrowly formatted ribs and the sweet variety has fleshy, thicker ribs. I found my selected fruit to hold quite a unique flavor combination of part pineapple with the fullness of a plum and a hint of citrus, making it in its complexity a very well balanced fruit.

So, will I return for more? Will I make a trip to the store with the sole purpose of buying a star fruit? Probably not. Considering I had to buy 7 to find a descent one there is more likely chance that I would sincerely write about tofu. But truth be told I enjoyed my one star fruit. Perhaps one day a better selection will make their way to our store shelves, I honestly believe it has potential for growth in our ever expending appetite.

Just don’t tell Florida, they might up production!

Star Fruit Sangria

1 bottle White Wine (Pinot Gris or Sauvignon Blanc)
2 cups Ginger Ale
2 Ripe Star Fruits
1/3 cup Sugar
Few Sprigs Basil

Great thing about this recipe is that not only is it light and refreshing for hot summer days but it gets better with time. Juice one star fruit, slice the other as you would for orange rounds. In a pitcher combine wine, sugar, basil and star fruit juice. Stir to dissolve sugar, add sliced star fruit and ginger ale. Finish off with ice.

Grilled Star Fruit with Balsamic Mascarpone

1 Ripe Star Fruit
½ cup Sugar
¾ cup Water
¼ cup Butter
3 tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar
1 cup Mascarpone Cheese

In a small saucepan combine water and half the sugar. Chop half the star fruit into cubes and simmer in sugar water till tender, about 10 minutes. Transfer to the bowl of a food processor, puree and set aside.
In a stand mixer, or food processor bowl (given that you have cleaned it after using it for your star fruit puree!) combine the mascarpone and balsamic vinegar. Blend on high speed till completely incorporated.
Combine melted butter with remaining sugar. Slice the other half of star fruit into ¼ - ½ inch slices and place on the grill, basting them with the sugar butter mixture. Once you have grilled the star fruit on both sides, transfer to plate and serve with a healthy dollop of balsamic mascarpone, finish with a drizzle of the pureed star fruit.

1 comment:

  1. Some of that there Sangria would be mighty fine on my back porch, but I don't think I'm ready to invest in a star fruit plantation. You definitely get an for determination! I like your style.
